Noah Kumpf
My name is Noah Kumpf. I currently study at Brigham Young University Provo majoring in Computer Science and German Studies. I love what I study, and am grateful for the chance that I have to learn at the university. That being said, I've also come to realize the importance of self-teaching and the value of "learning by doing".
I created this website from scratch as my first step in that endeavour. I want to use it to document my own learning process, and the skills I gain along the way. I also hope it will provide guidance and inspiration for other people who are looking to do something similar.
I learned to code using C/C++, and still consider that to be my strong suit. That being said, I think learning plays an enormous role in development. I'm currently trying to broaden my skills with Reactnative, Javascript, and Python.
In any tech field, the tools you use are as important, if not more important than the actual skills you have. The right program, language, or library can completely change your project. So far, I've learned to work with basic development tools such as Git, Androidstudio, Commandline, as well as common design tools like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Coursento is a start up of the Technical University Berlin. I'm currently working as an intern with their team to help automate the QA process for their website. This mostly involves using testing software to create scripts that check common user interactions with the site, such as logging in, searching, purchasing courses, etc. This is a part time internship so the goal is to create tests that they can continue to use in their development after I've returned to the US.
I worked part time at RMR for two years while studying at BYU. I dealt directly with employees from over 800 companies on a daily basis. We were the first contact for any questions they had. Much of our work involved troubleshooting the website or software that participants were using, which helped me gain a unique perspective on User Experience and Interface Design. I also trained new employees in using company software and benefit plan logistics.
I spent two years as a volunteer for the Church of Jesus Christ, living in various cities throughout central Germany. I worked an average of 80 hours a week supporting local members, organizing events, and teaching individuals and familes principles of self-reliance, physical-health, and language/communication. I also helped supervise groups of 8-10 other mission volunteers.